Cloud computing guide 2023

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing has become part of our daily lives and its adoption continues to increase worldwide.

Cloud adoption

Cloud adoption is expected to continue growing, with hybrid cloud and multi-cloud boosting the growth of alternative, specialized providers.

Main cloud service models

Each cloud service model covers different needs: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. The XaaS model is becoming increasingly popular.

Main types of cloud

Each type of cloud offers different advantages: private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud and multicloud.

Main cloud migration strategies

There are diverse approaches to migrate data, applications and workloads into the cloud.

Cloud and digital transformation

Cloud computing is at the core of the digital transformation processes.

Cloud computing trends

The widespread adoption of cloud computing has led to many developments and innovation in different areas.

Download the complete guide about cloud computing

Cloud computing guide form EN

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