Tag: Servers

What is a bare-metal server? Features and advantages

What is a bare-metal server?

A bare-metal server is a physical server with a single tenant. That is to say, a physical server of exclusive use of the client who rents it, which is not shared with other organizations or users. Together with virtual servers, networking and storage, bare-metal servers are an essential part of the IaaS cloud service model.

Top web servers 2022

Which are the most popular web servers?

Nginx and Apache are undoubtedly the two most used web servers worldwide. Each of them holds about a third of the market. According to W3Techs’ data, Nginx holds about 34.2% of the market and Apache about 31.2% — 28.9% and 22.6% respectively according to Netcraft’s data. This list includes some of the most popular web

Server administration

Server administration: key aspects and tools

Server administration is essential to guarantee high performance and business continuity, as servers often host valuable data and mission-critical applications. So, either internally or externally, it must be carefully addressed. What is server administration? Server administration comprehends all tasks related to managing, optimizing and monitoring servers, networks and systems in order to ensure they work


CDN control panel

A CDN control panel allows teams to make the most of the valuable data behind the traffic that goes through the CDN’s servers. Customers using our CDN solution can leverage a powerful control panel to monitor their site’s traffic and consumption. The dashboard has an user-friendly interface where customers can easily view aggregate and real-time


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