Tag: Private Cloud

Types of cloud computing

Types of cloud computing: private, public, hybrid and multicloud

There are 4 main types of cloud computing: private cloud, public cloud, hybrid cloud and multicloud. Each of these cloud deployment models offers different features and advantages. Therefore, the right model for each company will depend on their real needs and goals. Having a virtualized data center provides a lot of benefits to organizations, but

Beneficios de la nube privada en 3 sectores diferentes

Benefits of private cloud in 3 different sectors

Let’s assess the benefits of private cloud in 3 different sectors. Many companies can benefit from private cloud features and advantages, regardless of their size and industry. In this post, we have collected 3 customer success stories that have chosen the private cloud as their infrastructure solution. Private cloud for B2B software Gesio® is an

On-premise vs hosted private cloud comparison

On-premise vs hosted private cloud

As private cloud solutions continue to gain in popularity, the question “on-premise vs hosted private cloud” arises. Companies are looking into the private cloud as an infrastructure solution that offers a balance between the functionalities and scalability of cloud services and the security, control and robustness of traditional IT infrastructures. Both deployment models have points

Stackscale Private Cloud vs. Public Cloud

Stackscale Private Cloud vs. Public Cloud

Many companies wonder whether Private Cloud or Public Cloud is the best option for their business. On the one hand, a private cloud environment, like those we design at Stackscale, offers the best balance between performance, costs and scalability. On the other hand, a public cloud environment usually allows to deploy and scale resources at

Beneficios de migrar la infraestructura on-premise a una nube privada

Benefits of migrating your on-premise infrastructure to Private Cloud

Migrating your infrastructure from on-premise to Private Cloud will allow you to focus on your core business, without wasting efforts and money on managing and maintaining your own in-house IT infrastructure. Unlike most Public Cloud solutions, a private cloud environment, as those we design at Stackscale, allows more specific and custom configurations, making the migration

New nodes lines of Stackscale, with 2nd generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors

Up to 768 GiB RAM in our new line of compute nodes

Among the news planned for 2020, we have launched a new line of compute nodes which go up to 768 GiB RAM. This new line of compute nodes is based on the latest microarchitecture from Intel®, Cascade Lake, and powered by second generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors. CPU and memory optimized nodes Our new line


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Grow and scale at your own pace with Stackscale’s dedicated cloud.