Tag: Data centers

qué es un centro de datos o data center

Data Center: Physical or Virtual? Which is the Best Option?

Choosing between a physical data center and a virtual data center is a critical decision for many businesses evaluating their IT strategy. This dilemma arises for companies just starting to manage data or those looking to rethink their current infrastructure approach. Despite the increasing digitalization of business, few companies fully understand the advantages and disadvantages

what is a data center

How to achieve high availability with data center redundancy

The ability to maintain a continuously operational environment is essential for ensuring business continuity and minimizing costly service interruptions. Achieving high availability is fundamental to any robust technology and infrastructure strategy, as it translates into efficient user experiences and the delivery of quality services. In this article, we will explore the crucial role that redundancy

what is a data center

What is a data center?

A Data Center or Internet Data Center is a facility where an organization or a service provider centralizes their necessary computing resources. You might have heard about it a lot lately, since the term Data Center has become very common. Nowadays, most of the data we manage — from mobile phones, tablets and computers — ends up stored in these Data Centers. Actually, many people refer to Data Centers as the Cloud, in a more generic way.

Medidas de eficiencia energética en centros de datos

Improving energy efficiency in data centers

Energy efficiency is essential for building sustainable solutions and ensuring long-term sustainable growth. Maximizing the benefits of technology while reducing its impact on the planet is one of the main challenges of data centers nowadays. Data centers require a vast amount of energy to keep running. Therefore, energy efficiency is a priority, not only in

What is a meet-me room or MMR

Meet-me room (MMR): features and benefits

The meet-me room, also known as MMR, is a space within the data center facilities where telecommunications companies and network service providers can physically connect their infrastructure. It serves as an interconnection hub for carriers, ISPs, cloud service providers, CDNs and other service providers within the data center. What is a meet-me room? A meet-me

Hyperconverged infrastructure or HCI

Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI): benefits and workloads

Hyperconvergence is an IT infrastructure aiming to reduce data center complexity. It does so by combining computing, storage, networking and management capabilities in a single system. In addition to reducing complexity, it also allows to increase scalability, flexibility and IT efficiency. Besides, hyperconverged systems help reduce costs while ensuring the necessary availability, reliability and performance.

European data center hubs

European data center hubs: FLAP and emerging markets

The European data center hubs continue to grow and expand. Although the FLAP market continues to be one of the biggest data center markets in Western Europe, other markets have also been growing considerably during recent years. Since investments are particularly strong in emerging data center markets, such as Madrid and Lisbon. FLAP market The

Arista Networks

Arista Networks: networking for big data centers

Arista Networks develops networking solutions for big data centers and high-performance environments. Stackscale relies on Arista’s solutions, as they provide 10 to 100 Gigabits Ethernet switches that redefine network architectures and improve performance. What is Arista Networks? Arista Networks is a networking equipment company headquartered in Santa Clara, California, USA. It was founded in 2004

Geographical redundancy or georedundancy

Georedundancy: building a stronger business continuity strategy

Georedundancy or geographical redundancy allows companies to increase availability, resilience and fault tolerance. Relying on geographically distributed data centers contributes to building a stronger business continuity strategy. It is also referred to as “geo-replication” or “geographical replication”. What is georedundancy? Georedundancy consists in replicating data and IT infrastructure in multiple remote data centers. Its goal

Fire safety in data centers

Data center fires: risk assessment, fire safety and DR planning

Data center fires are rare but they are also a good example of how important Disaster Recovery planning is. Most fires in data centers are quickly located at the source, allowing the equipment to be isolated and the damage contained to a small area. But their impact can be catastrophic if they are not quickly


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